Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 25, 2016

14 days to go!

Today’s reason: Hillary is a  pathological liar! She uses every dirty trick imaginable to destroy opponents. She will say anything to get elected.

For a specific example here are some excerpts taken from recently revealed Clinton campaign emails from 2008. The subject is oversampling in polls. (In polling, the practice of oversampling is the inclusion of the opinion of more, or fewer, members of a particular group than would fairly represent that group as part of the overall population. This creates an inaccurate picture of the actual opinion of the whole population.)

Here are some actual directives from the Clinton campaign:

“… recommend oversamples for our polling before we start in February. By market, regions, etc. I want to get this all compiled into one set of recommendations so we can maximize what we get out of our media polling.”

In Arizona, oversampling of Hispanics and Native Americans.”

” For Florida… consistently monitor samples to makes sure they’re not too old and there are enough African American and Hispanic voters. Tampa and Orlando are better persuasion targets than north or south Florida, make sure they are included first.”

” In national polls oversample key districts / regions” and “ethnic” groups as needed.”

Hillary is using the same maliciously dishonest tactic today, 8-years later, in her latest attempt to become POTUS. Every one of these emails should be a banner headline in every major US newspaper. But, alas, in America today you NEVER see this stuff on the mainstream media.

Hillary Clinton can be trusted… to do, and say, anything to get elected.

Watch her spewing straight-faced lies back-to-back for 13-minutes…

That is today’s reason for you to vote to save America. Vote for Trump-Pence!