Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 24, 2016

You may need a pencil and paper to follow the explanation of the newest Hillary/Obama scandal. If you want the whole story go here.

We all know Hillary had a private, non-government, email server she used routinely, and illegally, for State Department business.

We also know that when the existence of that bootleg server became known to “outsiders” she ordered the destruction of untold thousands of emails from that hard disc. Hmmm.

And, we know she had the chutzpah to say she NEVER used the outlaw server to handle anything classified!

Well, now we learn that Barack Hussein Obama communicated with Sec. Clinton on that “bathroom server” email. BUT HE USED A SECRET CODE NAME! Why would he want to be anonymous? He claims he had no idea Hillary was using the email for official business. He thought it was their little secret? In the words of Hillary’s advisor, Mrs. Carlos Danger, upon learning about Obama’s pseudonym, “How could those emails from the President to the Sec. of State not be classified? Good question.

The Liberal criminals who are running the country prefer to lie even when they don’t need to.


Register before the Oct. 10 deadline and vote against Obama’s designated successor Hillary Clinton, or whoever takes her place. Vote to save America. Vote for Trump!