STRIKE ONE! The brothers who bombed the Boston Marathon were deemed “no threat” long before they carried-out their slaughter of innocent Americans.

STRIKE TWO! The Islamic shooters at a “Draw Muhammad” event were cleared by the FBI as “no threat” long before they launched their (failed) attack on innocent Americans.

STRIKE THREE! Hillary Clinton was thoroughly investigated and found to have committed nothing illegal.

STRIKE FOUR! Rahad Rahami had been investigated and cleared by the FBI as “no threat”, despite reports from his family that he was a threat, long before he planted numerous pressure cooker bombs around New York city.

Obama, who controls the FBI, insists Islam is not associated with terrorism. That narrative has infected the integrity of America’s front-line threat assessment organization. Obvious threats and offenders are being given a pass. The game is rigged. The men in blue (Democrats) have been bought!


Register–before October 10– and vote against Hillary, or her replacement. Vote to save America and restore the FBI. Vote Conservative!