Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 22, 2016

Hillary’s Information Technology consultant during her catastrophic tenure as America’s Secretary of State faced a deposition before a federal judge yesterday.

If we assume complete honesty and transparency from the Clinton camp the event should have been a series of straight answers to straight questions posed by the watchdog group Judicial Watch. Well… about that.

In the 90-minute event Hillary’s man invoked the 5th Amendment 125 times! That’s about once every 45-seconds! He repeatedly read a prepared statement from an index card. (Note that this man has immunity from prosecution but still refused to answer every question!)

Judicial Watch sued Clinton seeking her emails and other records. A federal judge allowed the highly unusual deposition citing “reasonable suspicion” that Clinton and her aides were trying to avoid federal records law. (A criminal act.)

Somebody is hiding something.