A Columbia U. professor chastened Ronald Reagan back in ’83 about how the founding fathers would be ashamed of a former elected official who, as a newly unemployed former President, went to Japan for a couple of speaking engagements for which he was paid $2M.

Liberals are vigilant for, and intolerant of, politicians making money by exploiting their experience in office… IF those traitors are not Liberals, Socialists, or Progressives. However, current and former public servants who have been faithful to the Liberal agenda are immune from criticism for “sharing their wisdom”. Presumably, the founding fathers would be proud of those good Liberals, like Hillary Clinton and her hubby.

The Clintons, raked-in $48,297,000.00 for “sharing their wisdom” during the 23-months from April 2013 to March 2015.

Here’s Hillary’s income from speeches:
