Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 23, 2016

The point of this post is that “Republican” does not mean “Conservative”!

Here is a group of five Republican Senators who recently helped Nancy Pelosi and Barack Hussein get their unconstitutional Omnibus Spending Bill through Congress:
Sen. Capito, WV.
Sen. Coats, IN.
Sen. Cornyn, TX.
Sen. Graham, SC.
Sen. Hatch, UT.

This group of five has another bond joining them together. They are out to politically assassinate Donald Trump’s strongest rival, Ted Cruz.

Why does this team of Liberal Republicans (no longer an oxymoron) want to eliminate a certified, time-proven Conservative from the race for the White House in favor of a neophyte, unproven political newcomer? Do they believe Trump will best promote their RINO doctrine?

Whether Trump would make America great (Constitutional) again, or not, is another question.

The question here is why has this hit squad been tasked by the Republican Party leadership to take-out a trusted, proven Conservative candidate in favor of a high-risk, unproven candidate? Why not let the campaign progress without ambushing good candidates? Debates and campaigning will help conservative Americans decide how to vote.

Here are some of the shots taken by “The Five” at Sen. Cruz:

I think we’ll lose if he’s our nominee.” –Hatch.

An awful lot of us really didn’t like to be targeted as corrupt, establishment bought by the lobby establishment.” –Coats.

Ted Cruz has burned some bridges with some fellow senators. –Capito.

We don’t need any headwinds from the top of the ticket. We need some tailwinds.” –Cornyn.

His ability to grow the vote of the Republican Party is almost zero.” –Graham.

So, if the question is asked, “Is Trump a proven Conservative?” The answer is, “No. Until his recent conversion he has supported the Democrat/Liberal agenda.”