The demands Iran made for the release of four of the five American citizens being held prisoner have been met by Barack Hussein. All but one of the hostages are now free.

The ransom consisted of:
$50B paid immediately;
$100B to be paid later per “the agreement”*;
$1.7B past due ransom for American hostages released in 1981;
Unconditional release of 7 Iranians being held on “various violations”;
Drop all charges against 14 Iranians arrested outside the U.S.

The ransom amount for the release of the fifth American victim has not yet been established.

*Obama and Kerry now have an unsigned, legally non-binding agreement in principle with a ruthless, anti-American regime that has no principles, except to promote the global Islamist revolution.

All of these important matters of foreign affairs are being conducted WITHOUT ANY INVOLVEMENT OF THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS.