A scientifically established and universally accepted fact: Men who engage in anal intercouse with other men are more likely to become infected with, and spread, the AIDS virus than men who do not.

Because of the the truth stated above, In 1983, the FDA adopted a discriminatory position regarding men who practice sodomy.The FDA banned gay and bisexual men from ever being eligible to donate blood to protect people receiving blood transfusions from the possibility of getting infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS.

Fast-forward 32 years to the reign of Barack Hussein Obama, where ALL discrimination is verbotten., and, since the ban on sodomist blood donors is discriminatory, focus must be moved from the killer virus to social injustice.So….

The FDA announced Monday that it is replacing a lifetime prohibition with a new policy that will allow gay and bisexual men to donate blood, but only if they have not had sexual contact with another man for at least one year.

Determination of the potential donor’s history of sodomy during the most recent 365-days will be based upon their answer to a question on a form.

Organizations which promote sodomy, like Gay Men’s Health Crisis, an advocacy group, have prevailed.

“Many people view blood donation as a civil right. And I don’t think it is.” says Dr. Kenrad Nelson, a professor of epidemiology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He points out he can’t donate blood for a year after he returns from countries where he might have gotten infected with malaria.

This is about the fundamental transformation of America by eliminating discrimination– even if that discrimination is controlling the spread of a preventable deadly disease.
[thanks to NPR]