Bernie said what?  “Next thing we do, pay equity for women workers. Women should not be making 79 cents on the dollar compared to [men].” 

The Facts: 79 cents is an erroneous number. Labor Department statistics show that the gap is 18 cents [not 21] and even smaller [13 cents] for hourly wages. Women work fewer hours than men. The Fed Reserve Bank suggests that the actual gender wage gap is about 5 cents.


O’malley said what? “I am the very first post-9/11 mayor and the very first post-9/11 governor.”

The Facts: He was Mayor of Baltimore from 1999 until 2006. He was Governor of Maryland from 2007 until 2015. His campaign people tried to do damage control by translating for their man, saying, “He just meant that he’s the only major party candidate who was a mayor and governor after 9/11.”. 


Hillary said what? “… about three percent of my donations come from people in the finance and investment world. You can go to and check that. I have more donations from students and teachers than I do from people associated with Wall Street.”

The Facts: said, “Almost any candidate can say some variation of her statement if referring to individual donors. The point is that the Wall Street donors, the energy execs, and the Hollywood crowd can cut much bigger checks than the teachers, students and mechanics, so the Wall Street donors are the ones who can bend her ear. That’s the way money works in politics.”

[thanks to The Washington Post]