Wednesday morning saw the release of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of the 2016 fiscal year (FY), the $1.1-trillion congressional spending package, known as the omnibus.

The Act consists of 2,200 pages, plus 1,000 pages of explanatory text.

A vote is expected Friday P.M. so the Christmas Vacation can begin.

That means lawmakers need to examine, investigate, debate, and decide how to vote, in about 88-hours. That’s a rate of 363 pages-per- hour!

It is already clear from a cursory glance that the Act disregards most key Conservative issues. See the video below for just one example.

Any non-Liberal would vote NAY on the Act simply because there is insufficient time to consider its merits, or lack thereof, before casting an informed vote.

Republican leadership is not presenting much of an obstacle to the Fundamental Transformation of America.