He dislikes the “Czar” title. He says it conjures up images of war or discipline against bad people.

Botticelli, who has been with his current husband for more than 20 years, feels drug addicts-oops- people with Drug Disorder, should “come out” just like homosexuals have. “We must choose to come out in the light and be treated with dignity and respect. So let’s stop whispering about this disease.”

21 million Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol. And half of all federal inmates are in for drug crimes. We can’t arrest and incarcerate addiction out of people.“, says Michael Botacelli the new Drug Czar… oops, the new Drug Minister/Counsellor/Doctor/Advocate/etc.

Addiction is a brain disease… not a moral failing. This is not about bad people who are choosing to continue to use drugs because they lack willpower. We don’t expect people with cancer just to stop having cancer.”

Michael believes addicts should be patients,not prisoners. He established a high school for teens in recovery and expanding drug courts where offenders can choose treatment over jail. And the charges can be dropped.

Botticelli wants any American druggie who overdoses to be allowed to call 911 without being arrested for having/using illegal drugs.

Michael is delighted that Obamacare requires most insurance companies to cover addiction treatment.

“The medical community must do a better job of identifying people in the early stages of their disease, in doing a better job at treating people who have this disorder.”

Let the fundamental transformation of America proceed.

[a tip of the Stetson to Seashell6] Tags: COMMENTS