An esteemed member of the Progressive entertainment cadre has publicly stated, in five simple statements, how the Democrats are implementing their evil agenda for America’s school-age kids. Like to read it?… Here it goes…

1. Leftists develop harmful curricula under the guise of inclusivity.

2. They teach children that heterosexuality is in the SAME category as “PATRIARCHY, SEXISM and RACISM!”

3. They convince children that it’s “cool” to question your sexuality and disregard your gender!

4. These harmful ideas are repeatedly driven into the impressionable minds of children over and over again. The children NORMALIZE everything they are taught.

5. The rest of the Left turns a blind eye and “pretends it’s cool in order to keep [their] Liberal ID card.”  

Who offered this condemnation of Leftist malfeasance?… Bill Maher!