Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 14, 2023

Why is America sending vast amounts of cash and equipment to the Ukraine?

One theory is that such “support” is damaging to Russia, our enemy.

Another idea is that Russia taking control of the Ukraine would strengthen our enemy appreciably.

One theory is that the Democrats are using this situation as a “backdoor” way to fund their political campaigns.

A lesser known thought is that such massive spending aids the current effort to weaken America as part of the Globalist agenda to create one, borderless world ruled-over by one Elitist group.

Leaving the theoretical behind and moving into factual information we see massive corruption thriving in the Ukraine. All the new found wealth is being diverted from military goals to economic gain for Ukrainian leaders.

Read THIS. Then look deeper. You will discover plenty of reason to contact your Representative and demand cessation of pumping cash and weapons into the Ukraine.

Whichever theory is true, what Biden is doing is not good for the USA.