Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Aug 21, 2022

If the Democrats are able to thwart most, or all, election integrity effort between now and November, they will have a good chance of avoiding a catastrophic defeat in the mid-term election.

Since taking (literally) office 18 months ago, the Democrats have managed to sustain a steady influx of illegal aliens into the U.S.

Some portion (?) of these new arrivals represent votes for Democrats providing current compromised election integrity standards that allowed the 2020 steal remain in-place.

Anyway, the inflow rate of illegals for the last 18 months is 272,222 persons-per-month! That means there are 4.9 million people now on American soil who should not be. If just one in every 50 agrees to cast a (fraudulent) ballot, that represents 98,000 votes.

The Democrat’s plan can be foiled by instituting election process reform designed to make sure only legal voters cast a ballot. Go HERE to see what you, as one lone American, can do to stop another steal.

Register to vote if you qualify. Vote against Democrats. Save America!