Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Aug 20, 2022

Most American adults don’t pay any attention to what the government does from day-to-day.

Following is a very brief description of just one item our elected representatives have done recently.

HR5376- Just signed into law. This is like throwing gasoline on a fire in terms of reducing inflation. Requires $570,000,000,000 (570 billion) in additional taxes to be paid by … taxpayers! That is the cash equivalent of 966 million times the entire annual income of the average American household! The name of the bill?… Inflation Reduction Act. This example of what politicians are doing to keep busy is one of many similar boondoggles now pending. If you care to you can go HERE to see more frightening ideas they have.

Register to vote if you qualify. Vote against every Democrat on the ballot. Save America!