Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 30, 2022

[This post is based upon the dubious assumption that the 2020 election was not corrupted. The jury is still out on that question.]

The internet is replete with easy-to-read, unbiased, factual accounts of ongoing efforts to fundamentally transform America at every level of government, media, Woke corporations and organizations.

You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a story about the erosion of personal freedom and liberty in today’s America. Does anyone care? Does anyone seek information about how to fix things?

Many voting age Americans just don’t care about politics. Not caring about something (apathy) leads to not knowing much about that something (ignorance).

In America’s Representative Republic form of government ALL POWER rests in the hands of The People. We choose who will lead us. We express our choice in elections. Obviously, such a system will not function properly if The People don’t care, and don’t know much, about politics.

For the 2020 General Election there were 252 million voting age Americans.

Actual votes recorded in the 2020 election were 155 million.

Just 62% of the voting age Americans actually voted in the 2020 election!!

It seems fair to assume the primary reason for not voting is APATHY. Those folks are just not convinced that voting makes any difference.

Historically, Americans who do actually vote are split into three groups… 46% Democrat, 46% Republican, 8% Undecided. That group of 12.4 million “Undecided” voters in the 2020 election is the one that gave Biden the reins of America.

What would have happened in November of 2020 if those 97 million American citizens had cared enough to inform themselves and to vote?

Don’t be apathetic, register to vote. Don’t be ignorant, vote against the fundamental transformation of America by Democrats.