Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 27, 2022

Forces for good are rallying. The dark side’s reign is self-destructing. The meaning of words like “patriot”, “conservative”, and “Republican” have morphed into meaninglessness.

POTUS 45 has a way of clarifying issues. His “mean tweets” deflate double-talking efforts. He keeps things on-track. Here is his most recent observation about the way things are:

“I listen to all of these foolish (stupid!) people, often living in a bygone era, like the weak and frail RINO, Peggy Noonan, who did much less for Ronald Reagan than she claims, and who actually said bad things about him and his ability to speak, or Rich Lowry, who has destroyed the once wonderful and influential National Review, the pride and joy of the legendary William F. Buckley, or George Will, whose mind is decaying with hatred and envy before our very eyes, or Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes, two people who are finally out of the conversation and of no relevance whatsoever. 

Where do these people come from? They have no idea what the MAGA movement is, and even less of an understanding of America First, which is necessary, and even vital, to save our Country. People like these are nasty, jealous, not smart, and of no use to the potential greatness of our Country. They talk, they criticize, and they complain, but they don’t have the ability or talent to get anything done. They are shortsighted “losers,” and will never understand what it takes to Make America Great Again!” –President Donald J. Trump, June 27, 2022

RINOs and Democrats are birds of a feather. Americans who care enough to donate money to the right candidates, to register to vote, and to attend rallies, are coming together with a sense of impending victory. Blue is the wrong color if you want to be part of making America great again.

Democrats have been kicking America while she’s down. They have been trying to hurt America in every way possible, but she’s coming back!. Her patriots are rallying. Her enemies are hearing the battle cries of her many ready defenders. The vultures are gathering. In 135 days the losers will be stripped of the power they have been abusing for so long. They can go back to whatever remains of the swamp from which they came.

Register to vote. Vote against RINOs and Democrats. Volunteer to be a poll watcher, or a drop box watcher. Use your fair and legal ballot to feed the vultures. SAVE AMERICA!

She yet waves!