Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 26, 2022

Anyone who listens to some news about what’s happening in the world realizes someone, or some groups, are trying to fundamentally transform the world.

Many Americans think it’s Joe Biden who is trying to implement the Liberal Agenda to Fundamentally Transform America (L.A.F.T.A.). That’s wrong. The Global Takeover is well beyond the abilities of one aged, diminished capacity, career politician.

The Great Reset” (GR) is the name of the ongoing effort to take control the planet. It was introduced by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations (UN), and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The goal is to implement global totalitarianism.

Included in their plan is the reengineering and controlling all life forms on Earth… including humans.

These Elitists believe that people cannot be allowed to freely pursue Life, Liberty, and Happiness.

This is more fully explained HERE.

Something is happening in America that seems to be impeding the GR.

The Democrat Party is 100% in-step with the GR. They want to end Free Enterprise. They want to put all power into the hands of the government. They want to eradicate individual freedom. They want to transform traditional American values. They want to weaken border control, law enforcement, and military readiness.

So, from where is the stall coming?

Independents, Republicans, and other non-Democrats are fighting-back. There is hope for America to become great again, to refuse the brave new world, the Great Reset.

If you are eligible to vote, register and vote on November 8. Vote against any and all Democrats. Save America.

That banner yet waves…