Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 23, 2022

UPDATE 6-26-22 Biden says it again HERE.

The Covid 19 global crisis was a product of the Globalist./Elitist cabal. It accomplished much toward establishing their New World Order… but not enough.

The talking head at the helm of America’s usurper regime, Joe Biden, recently dropped a second hint of another pandemic scheduled to arrive soon.

Idiot-in-Chief Biden actually spoke these words: “We need more money to plan for the second pandemic.” in a recent press conference Q&A session.

Here’s hoping Americans have learned enough from Pandemic One to say “No thank you. Not interested.” to government attempts to kick-off Pandemic Two.

By the way, this talk of “Pandemic 2” should not be confused with the video game of the same name. This is not about a game. These people are really trying to take total control of the planet.

Don’t drink the Kool-aid.