Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 11, 2022

We often speak of “they”, or “them”, as the perpetrators of the endless government plans being forced-down our throats.

Who are “they”? It looks like there are multiple groups who comprise “they/them”.

One of “them” is a group called The World Economic Forum, WEF. The members just met not long ago, like they do every year.

This year they declared their intent to fundamentally transform America from a free and sovereign nation to a Marxist Socialist nation of people who own nothing and are happy.

If you read the whole link (above) you will discover “they” have already begun to implement “The Great Reset.”

Home ownership is their first target. It is becoming ever more difficult for first-time buyers to purchase a home.

The plan is underway, and it is progressing on-schedule with the full support of the Democrats. Read more HERE.

JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE GREAT RESET! Register to vote if you are legally qualified. Vote against Democrats. Save America!