Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - May 23, 2022

Time to update your list of reasons to not blindly accept everything the government tells you list.

We know not to trust government information about many, if not most, things, but the U.S. Census? C’mon man! Can’t they do something as simple as counting how many of us there are?

Apparently not. It turns-out that states where people have been moving out (Blue states) were “significantly overstated”, and states where those people were resettling (Red states) were “significantly undercounted”. So what, you ask? Keep reading.

The number of Representatives a state gets is determined by their population… more people equals more Congressmen and women. That means the 118th Congress, which will be determined in the November 2022 election, will contain more Blue Representatives than it should, and fewer Red Reps than it should.

The Census Bureau is a government operation. Government operations are pretty-well insulated from We The People. America has a “Shadow Government”, aka a “Deep State”, aka an “Bureaucratic State” which is mostly unaffected by election results because the people who work in these “bureaus” or “agencies” are appointed for life.

The political party in power when a bureaucrat is given a cushy, lifetime job expects that appointee to always support The Party. Duh!

So census workers can benefit The Party by adjusting the numbers of people who live in a particular location.

Welcome to politics in America.

Census takers do not report accurate numbers. They manipulate numbers to favor The Party.