Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - May 20, 2022

Some symbols are not up for grabs for use by every Woke upstart who decides they can redefine existing symbolism to suit their destructive ideology.

Take the rainbow for example. The Holy Bible reveals when and why the Creator of the universe established that beautiful, reassuring visual spectacle we call the rainbow.

After wiping-out every living thing on the planet except for the people and animals o the ark God assured the survivors that never again would he cause such a catastrophe. He gave the survivors a symbol to reassure them, and all who would come after them, they need not fear a repeat flood.

“And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.” –Genesis Chapter 9 verse 11

Bad news for the deviate sexual community. The rainbow does not stand for the perverse ideology of unnatural sexual behavior… it stands as reassurance that God will never again destroy the Earth by a global flood.

The LGBTQ etc. etc. community must design a new, not previously established, symbol to represent their dark dreams.

“Relax… no more global floods.” –God