Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 29, 2022

Imagine if the police had a policy designed strictly to prevent a crime from happening again while making zero effort to identify, apprehend, and prosecute the perpetrator(s).

That seems to be the prevailing attitude regarding the 2020 election.

For example, one recent discovery appears to prove that nearly 300,000 “excess” ballots were counted in six pivotally important states, (AZ, GA, PA, NV, WI, MI). Those numbers are sufficient to change the outcome of the election.

The folks who made the discovery were careful to state that their purpose was NOT to overturn the election, but to prevent it from happening again.

We cannot prevent Joe Biden from fraudulently becoming President ( and destroying the nation in his first year in office)… he has already done that. What we can do is identify who tampered with the election process, apprehend and charge those people, and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Making an example of those responsible will be an essential part of preventing it from happening again.

In America We The People are in-charge. We rule by our vote. Control the votes and you control the People!