Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 26, 2022

Some think there is some cosmic control mechanism that kicks-in when zany concepts persist in human affairs. This story will not encourage those people.

In the ’50s a French artist agreed to sell an invisible work of art that he created… oops. that he imagined. The buyer paid him in gold. a written receipt was given to the buyer. That piece of paper is the only tangible thing that changed hands! The “artwork” has nothing detectable to human senses. It has no weight, no measurements. Nothing visible. No smell. No sound. No texture. No taste. The “artwork” does not exist. Only the receipt exists.

That receipt, seen HERE, is being sold at auction. Bidding is expected to reach $500,000.

Are humans the only self-mocking creatures in the universe? Hmm.

I sure hope this is mockery. It’s perfect to wear to the gallery to view invisible art.