Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 25, 2022

The Democrat party needs class conflict and widespread fear to stay in power!

Class conflict is the tried-and-true Marxist method that has served them well so far.

The Democrats must promote strife and mistrust between groups of Americans. Otherwise they will go down-for-the count in November.

For over a year now the Left has been dismantling every post-Obama recovery success Trump accomplished. They have returned America to the fiscal devastation of massive debt and inflation.

Even their own are beginning to feel irritated by the destructive agenda being force-fed to Americans. 31 Democrat Congress persons have announced their sudden decision to leave politics! Hispanics, Blacks, and women are seeing that the Democrats are not their best hope.

What strategy can rescue the Democrats from a punishing defeat in November?

They must stir-up the class conflict between the American people. They must oppose unity, cohesiveness, and patriotism. They must hang-on to the narrative that the CCP virus threat justifies Draconian policies.

Czar Fauci will be back from wherever he has been hiding. He will restore the restrictions and they will pick-up where they left off at Step 4 in their seven-step program (1.Masks. 2.Testing 3.Tracing 4. Vaccines 5. Isolation 6. Quarantine 7. Total control.)

Hopefully enough of the American people will register and vote against Democrats. Hopefully the Democrats will not be able to steal this election like they did in 2020. Here’s hoping!