Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 23, 2022

LGBTQQIP2SAA is the latest version of the acronym badge identifying those people, organizations, activities, and policies opposing those people, organizations, activities, and policies which consider Lesbian, Gay Transgender, Questioning, Queer, Intersexual, Pansexual, Two Spirit, Androgynous, and Asexual to be perversions of the created, natural, biological, and therefor proper order of mankind.

This update is to recognize the previously underserved community of Intersexual, Pansexual, 2 Spirit, Androgynous, and Asexual people, organizations, activities, and policies.

Please update all publications and policies to reflect this step forward in progressing toward True Hedonistic Enlightenment (THE).

Next official revision of the acronym badge is contingent upon the completion of ongoing research into interspecies sexual (IS) possibilities.