Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 28, 2022

Any reasonable list of America’s most threatening enemies must include Communist China somewhere near the top, if not at the top.

Is it wrong to think that it’s a problem for the President and his son to have realized $31 million in personal family profits from “deals” with China?

In the Biden family there is an abundance of power, greed, and money. There are the three ever present ingredients contributing to corruption. That’s a paraphrase of some wise words from the often-quoted author Ken Poirot.

If the justification for imposing the 25th Amendment to remove Joe Biden from office is thought to be insufficient, then, how about Impeachment?

Donald Trump was Impeached by kangaroo courts. Every effort was determined to be a Nothingburger. So, we know the mechanism is fully operational.

Enjoying vast personal material gain from sworn enemies of America while in-office is certainly not insufficient reason to move for Impeachment.

Doesn’t It seem like a second party representing the “loyal opposition” to the ruling party would not be reluctant to proceed with effort(s) to remove a President who is clearly aiding and abetting the enemy?

What’s up Republicans?

Voters can do what the Republicans won’t. Register and vote against Democrats. Save America!