Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 27, 2022

Five years-ago the Republicans succeeded in changing the requirement for seating a new SCOTUS judge from a 60-vote majority in the Senate, to a simple (51) majority.

The Senate is now split 50-50 with 50 Republicans, 48 Democrats, and 2 Independents, who always vote with Democrats. If everyone votes the party line a simple majority is not possible.

The President of the Senate only votes in the case of a tie.

When Justice Bryer’s retirement news “leaked out” yesterday it set a probable John Grisham-style drama in-motion.

The President of the Senate is named Kamala Harris. You may not have heard of her. She is the currently serving VPOTUS.

It is well-known that the Democrats want a woman-of-color on the Supreme Court, and the name Kamala Harris has been mentioned. See the drama?

If the Senate votes 50-50 on replacing Bryer with Harris… Harris has to cast the tie-breaking vote… for or against HERSELF!? Experts unanimously predict she will vote “YEA”, because she is sick and tired of being in-charge of America’s Southern border..

But wait! That’s not all. Harris puts-on her SCOTUS robe only after she APPOINTS someone of her own choosing to take her place as VPOTUS! No confirmation process required beyond her chosen person being Constitutionally qualified to serve in that role.

Will the hallowed halls of America’s highest court soon hear the cackling of a woman-of-color? Will she appoint Willie Brown as VPOTUS? Let’s watch!

You can’t make this stuff up!