Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 30, 2021

It is said we should look at things through another person’s eyes before we judge them. Walk a mile in their shoes is another way to put it.

So, slip-on this Antifa guy’s shoes and walk around for a while to get a feeling for what he claims to stand for…

 “I am ANTIFA. I will always attack fascists, racial superiority complexes built around nationalism that promotes genocide to fuel a war machine is the worst humanity has to offer.”

What does this guy think “fascism” is? Here is the established, accepted definition: “A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.”

So, when Antifa terrorists attack people or places, they believe the damage they are doing is justified as an act of resistance against a racist, dictatorial, oppressive government? Prior to Jan. 20, 2021 that government was the Trump Administration. After that date it was the Biden Administration which is diametrically opposite to Trump’s… yet they fight both governments?

The Antifa soldier quoted above was recently convicted of a federal crime for an ax attack on the office of an elected official. He was sentenced to pay an incidental fine and set free, (The FBI even returned the ax to him.) By contrast look at the punishments being meted out by the “Jan.6 Committee”. A man who did no harm to any person or property was sentenced to 43-months in prison!