Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 27, 2021

The statue of Thomas Jefferson who was indispensable in the formation of our nation is being cloaked-in shame by the political leaders of New York City.

The statue, a replica of the bronze original in Washington, D.C., has stood in the city’s Council Chambers for 187 years!

As a result of relentless pressure from Radical Leftist members of the Council the statue is moving to a city historical museum. They say he does not deserve the honor because he owned slaves.

What the folks who want to fundamentally transform America don’t say is that Jefferson gets a lion’s share of the credit for authoring the concept of equal rights for all American citizens. His contributions to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are sufficient to earn him a statue in every American city’s Council Chambers… and a Memorial building in D.C.! (They will be going after that next.)

From the beginning of America Jefferson fought to end the slave trade. He began a movement in the late 1770’s to outlaw the import of slaves to America. Finally, in 1807 it became illegal to do so.

The man who authored the concept of all men being equal, and who fought tenaciously to end slavery is being erased from history because some folks think he stood for the continuance of slavery… which is the opposite of actual fact.

Without Thomas Jefferson slavery would have persisted in America longer than it did.

Thomas Jefferson was instrumental in the creation of the documents which demanded all Americans be treated equally, regardless of race.

  • Liberal Agenda for the Fundamental Transformation of America.
POTUS 3, Thomas Jefferson. Shall we purge our libraries of his works?