Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Aug 23, 2021

Finally, one of the CCP “vaccines” has been blessed by the Food and Drug Administration, FDA.

Pfizer’s mysterious concoction is now approved for humans aged 16 and above. That story is HERE.

Strangely, the FDA has set-aside its concern about the well-documented, irreversible heart problems associated with the contents of the two syringes. They say they are continuing to look into the potentially fatal reaction… but have granted it full approval? Yes!

That’s the “good” news? Yes.

Now, the bad news… Every prescription drug that has ever been recalled from the market has had FDA approval. Since the 70’s, 35 drugs have been FDA approved only to be later banned when discovered to be dangerous. Those facts HERE.

What if the government says you have to accept the shots or suffer loss of rights and/or freedoms?