America’s Military Today

Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 25, 2021

Army Sgt. Phillip Monk’s openly Lesbian Commanding Officer objected to his views that rightful marriage involves one male and one female. Monk was punished and relieved of duty after 19-years of honorable service.

27-year National Guard Sgt. Layne Wilson received a Letter of Reprimand for voicing his concern over the desecration of the base Chapel by using it to perform a homosexual wedding ceremony.

Navy Commander Wes Modder, a 19-year veteran, was relieved of duty and reassigned as a result of quoting the Holy Bible in a private counselling session with a homosexual who subsequently complained about the “intolerance and disrespect”.

Marine Corporal Monica Sterling posted a Bible verse on the wall adjacent to her desk. Her supervisor tore the verse off the wall and threw it in the trash. Monica did not argue but reposted it later. This time she was charged with bad conduct, found guilty, and reduced to the lowest possible rank.

Army Major Scott Squires and his assistant Chaplain Sgt. Kacie Griffin faced Dereliction Of Duty charges when they refused to lead a marriage retreat that included a same-sex couple. Resulting punishment was cancelled when Pentagon was flooded with calls of support for the two. Sgt. Griffin lost her opportunity to attend college and become a commissioned officer.

Air Force Colonel Leland Bohannon was denied promotion, reprimanded, and relieved of command for refusing to sign a homosexual marriage certificate. After a great public outcry the charges were dropped.

Air Force Academy Cadets who wrote Bible verses on their personal white-boards were forced by superiors to erase them.

Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt was found guilty, by court-martial, of “worshiping in public”. He lost his 16-year career, his pension, his home, and the honor of serving America. Eventually the charges were reversed and rescinded, and the Navy policy was revised.

These incidents are typical of today’s anti-Christian atmosphere prevailing in the U.S. military community thanks to Barack Hussein Obama’s oppressive policies.

Contact your elected representatives in Washington and demand the elimination of Obama’s anti-Christian policies in the military.