Biden Explains His Reality…

Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 23, 2021

Verified fact from today’s news: 49 recent deaths in New Jersey were people who were fully vaccinated against Covid-19. The official cause of death in all 49 cases is Covid-19. Facts HERE.

Biden’s message to the survivors of these 49 dead people? “You’re not going to get Covid if you have these shots!  you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the IC unit, and you’re not going to die…” Source HERE.

Damage Done By Biden In First 100 Days In Office:

Border security eliminated. Illegal entries rampant. Wetbacks being relocated all-over U,S.

Keystone Pipeline cancelled. Energy independence lost.

Big Tech given blank check. Blatant censorship online of all but Leftist narrative.

Anti-Law Enforcement groups like Antifa and BLM encouraged.

Tax cuts for Middle Class abandoned. Inflation skyrocketing.

Legislation pending to increase nation’s debt by $6T.

Parental control of school choice diminished.

Public Education fully involved in establishment of CRT and Leftist narrative

Active and Veteran military being indoctrinated in CRT and persecuted for Christian beliefs.

Constitution being trampled.

Global American preeminence abandoned. China-America’s most dangerous threat- treated like an ally.