Obama Economy Restored!

Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 11, 2021

It has taken Dr. Jill just 142 days to show her husband Joe Biden how to get the U.S. economy back to exactly where it was when Barry Sotero, aka Barack Obama, had the nuclear launch codes.

The last lawfully elected President, Donald Trump, took the feeble economy from Obama January 20, 2017. Trump managed to set new record economic highs over and over during his term.

Millions of ballots were altered, discarded, or otherwise miscounted on November 3, 2020 and Trump’s second term was stolen by the Democrats. Biden took (literally) office January 20 of this year. Since then he has managed to get the inflation number back up to 5%.

5% inflation amounts to about $2,500 taken from the budget of an average American family.

See facts and numbers HERE.

Register and vote against Democrats at every level of government.

“Just 142 days and I got inflation back up to where Barack had it!”