Good Reason To Fund Police

Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 11, 2021

If 20 gallons of gasoline is suddenly released when its container is heated and ruptures you want to be far away. Running toward a motor vehicle engulfed in flames is contrary to every natural reflex for self-preservation.

Watch THIS video to see two men set-aside their own safety to help another person caught in a burning car (with a tank of gasoline attached).

Democrats are all-in on convincing Americans that police need to be defunded. They agree with their top politician, Joe Biden, that White Supremacy is the most serious threat facing the nation.

This video reveals conduct contrary to that ridiculous, anti-American narrative.

The two cops look like pure heroes in this live action video, and they are White guys who don’t seem to be too concerned about the race of the man trapped in the car.

Register and vote against Democrats at every level of government. Their agenda is meant to demean heroes and vilify White people.