Watch This Video!

Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 09, 2021

Wed. June 9, 2021

In America today any Black person who is killed in an incident involving law enforcement is immediately a national hero and a symbol of police brutality.

Circumstances leading-up to the particular law enforcement incident are considered irrelevant. There is no interest in why the dead civilian was the focus of a police action.

The most recent of many such events involved a man named Winston Smith. Known as “Boogie” this man was being arrested by U.S. Marshals in Minneapolis. He was a career criminal with multiple convictions. He was fleeing from arrest warrants.

Boogie had a handgun in his possession. He took the gun in-hand and fired multiple times at the Marshals who responded with equal and appropriate deadly force. Boogie died on the scene from multiple gunshot wounds.

Watch THIS video. There are no lies, exaggerations, or opinions in it. Just facts.

This video shows the state of America’s news providers, and the Black militant anti-American factions who are allied together in the effort to fundamentally transform our nation.