The Arizona 2021 Zeitgeist

Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 08, 2021

Here’s an example of how things are in the Grand Canyon State.

George Soros, the billionaire Grand PooPaw of Globalist Socialism, spent $2M to defeat Joe Arpaio in the race for Sheriff of Maricopa County. His money, and corrupt election processes, made a guy named Paul Penzone the new lawman in town.

Since taking office George’s man has refused to comply with two lawful court orders. Penzone was ordered to release election material to a pending recount effort… he refused. The Sheriff was ordered by a Federal judge to investigate misconduct charges against his Deputies… again he ignored the lawful order.

So the head law enforcement officer in the county is wantonly disregarding the rule of law. Facts and details HERE.

Welcome to the wild West, where there is a new Sheriff in town.

Sheriff Penzone