Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 01, 2021

OK. You dislike Trump and will vote for whoever has the best chance to keep him out of office.

Here is something for you to consider that might be more important than your personal dislike for one man… perhaps there is good side to Trump victories.

Trump is popular. If control of the election system in the states can be restored Trump has a very high-probability of leading a successful effort to take control of the U.S. Senate and the House in the 2022 elections. Barring criminal manipulation of ballots Trump has a very high probability of winning the 2024 Presidential election, if he decides to run.

Only the Democrats and their allies in the Unions, the Media, the Entertainment world, and the Globalist billionaires can prevent the 2022/24 resurrection of Republican, Conservative, Patriotic, Constitutionalist leadership of the United States.

The good side to Trump victories comes when evil, grotesque policies now being implemented by the Usurper Administration, and those yet to come, will be overturned. Here are three examples of Biden policies that you personally may not be supportive of: 1) Human babies are being kept alive outside the womb for the purpose of harvesting genetic material. That harvesting process involves killing the baby. 2) Pregnant women who are not fully informed are now being abandoned to the abortion providers who reap huge profits while slaughtering hundreds of thousands of babies every year. 3) Human genetic material and body parts are being harvested for profit from a “farming” type operation where crops (human eggs) are planted (fertilized with human sperm) , watered and weeded (kept alive in a jar), until ready to harvest (slaughter) for market.

Is your dislike for Trump/Republicans/Conservatives is stronger than your sense of right and wrong about unborn babies? If not, switch sides and use your power as a voting American to do right by unborn babies. Stop the horrific slaughter of innocent, helpless PEOPLE who cannot defend themselves.

You can still hate Trump and all those who like him, but you will no longer be part of the EVIL policies of the Democrats.

The facts referenced in this post can be read HERE.