Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - May 16, 2021

The “PRO Act” is making its way along the path to becoming law. It is a profoundly anti-American effort to limit people’s right to work without joining a Union!

The Democrats, the biggest benefactors of massive Union political contributions, are behind this gift to their patrons, the Unions of America.

The PRO Act will ban the right of an employee to work withour becoming a Union member!

The PRO Act will outlaw the hiring of non-Union workers during a work stoppage strike.

The PRO Act will place burdensome limits of Independent Contractor-type persons.

The PRO Act will limit the information that must be given to prospective Union ,members during a campaign to form a new Union.

The PRO Act will demand employers to give employee’s personal information to Union organizers.

Mom and Pop business will be subject to crippling fines, up to $100,000, for violations.

This is one of the Usurper Administration’s most devastating plans to weaken the freedom of individual Americans.

Register to vote in the 2022 election. Vote against Democrats.

Contact your elected representatives in D.C. tell them to defeat this attack on freedom. Go HERE to find your representatives, click-on “Contact You Member”.

Compare a Union controlled operation to a Right-to-Work operation. There’s the difference.