Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - May 13, 2021

All the “Big Tech” operations share a common philosophy. Amazon, Facebook. Twitter, You Tube, etc. ad infinitum are the result of entrepreneurial energy directed toward creating fame and fortune by finding a need and filling it. They are simply product or service offerings the public can choose whether to use or not.

Why is it wrong for a baker to refuse to make a wedding cake for someone? If that baker can afford to lose the business then they should be free turn-down the request. Should there be a law saying a bakery must make commemorative cakes to celebrate Satan, or Hitler, or whatever anyone might demand?

If an online chat operation chooses to not allow certain participants that is their decision… even if the person they’re banning is the President.

Why should website policymakers have to allow Trump to say things they don’t want to be party to? Should a medical doctor have to perfpom abortions? Should a car mechanic have to turn-back odometers? Should a photographer have to create pornography?

Does a non-beekeeper have a right to demand entry into a bar that was built specifically as a bar for beekeepers, and has always excluded non-beekeepers?

If a non-government enterprise excludes you, or someone you care about on the basis of differences in religion, politics, race, sex, whatever, THEN JUST DON’T PATRONIZE THAT ENTERPRISE!

Why should an ultra far Left Liberal person expect to be allowed a forum on a far Right Conservative platform? Nonsense!

Don’t go to a dog show to see cats. Want to see cats?,,, go to a cat show!