Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 19, 2021

Nine “Republican” Representatives in Washington leaped-over the party line and supported the current effort by Democrats to turn illegal aliens into citizens. The RINOs went-over to join all 221 of the Democrats in an effort to destroy current immigration law by allowing persons who entered the country illegally to settle-in and enjoy all the benefits, like welfare and health care, of being an American.

The American Dream and Promise Act would give legal status to minors who were brought illegally into the United States.

Additionally, The Farm Workforce Modernization Act, which would protect farmworkers from deportation and give them a way to become citizens, was passed with help from 30 “Republican” representatives. 

Get the whole story HERE.

Conservatives should note that politicians who run as Republicans often do not support the Conservative agenda. “Republican” does not equal “Conservative”.