Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 17, 2021

A Michigan judge ruled last Tuesday that the state’s Sec. of State, a Democrat, BROKE STATE LAW by issuing rules about absentee ballots. This new action by the court legitimizes a key claim made by the Trump campaign in its legal challenges to the 2020 election.

One of the Secretary’s illegal orders required sending absentee ballot applications to ALL REGISTERED VOTERS IN THE STATE! Another illegal ruling defined “guidance” on how to evaluate absentee ballots. That violated the state’s existing Administrative Procedures Act.

Valid laws were ignored and replaced with illegal rulings designed to facilitate ballot manipulation.

Read the entire court ruling HERE.

(Until this story is shown, by facts, to be false it stands as proof that the Democrats broke the law in order to win the 2020 election.)

Register and vote against Democrats in 2022.. November ’22 is just around the corner.