Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Feb 18, 2021

Good news first. NY Governor Cuomo, an avid anti-Trump Democrat, is going to be investigated for (possibly criminal) mishandling elderly patients diagnosed with the CCP virus. His tactic was to send Covid patients to elder care facilities. The resulting infection spike almost certainly cost many more lives than a more sound tactic would have. The fact is the actual number of such deaths officially reported is very high… and that number is now thought to be a gross underestimate of the actual number. Read that HERE. Cuomo has consistently defended his leadership throughout the many challenges of his judgment.

Now the bad news. The folks who will investigate Cuomo are the same ones who investigated Hillary for mishandling the Benghazi affair. They also spent two years and dumpsters-full of taxpayer dollars investigating alleged collusion involving Donald Trump and Russia. Both of those cases were Nothingburgers. You guessed by now the investigators will be the FBI.

We can save time by cutting to the finish and assuming no convictions will be forthcoming for the Democrat Mayor.

Yes, the FBI is his FBI.