
TSA folks at the airport are highly-trained to recognize the presence, or absence, of certain anatomical features on persons being screened.

These government watchdogs are not easily fooled.

When the man in the photo decided to identify as a woman and travel by air he came face-to-face with America’s finest package inspectors– with the possible exception of postal workers.

Upon detecting unanticipated anatomical features the man was detained, questioned, and more thoroughly examined which got everything straightened-out.

But, afterward, there were tears and sobbing posts on social media which brought an eruption from the community of men-pretending-to-be-women, and sympathy posts from the women-pretending-to-be-men community.

Expect Liberals to campaign for licensing sex pretenders. The license would indicate it is OK for the bearer to have either excessive or missing anatomical features.

*in MENU select THE LIST to decipher numbers.