Script for The President’s New Friend a drama in three acts:

Act one-Scene one: Schools are on high alert for weapons/suspicious objects on school grounds.
Act one-scene two: Kid enters classroom with a device that looks like a bomb.
Act one- scene three: Teacher follows procedure and sounds the alarm.

Act two-scene one: Authorities determine device contains no explosives.
Act two- scene two: School sends kid home for one day as disciplinary measure for disruptive acts.

Now the story takes-on national prominence. Why? Because the kid is Islamic and this simply must be a case of Islamophobia.

Act three-scene one: Obama sees a chance to promote Islam. Tweets the kid. Invites him to the White House. Obama’s talking head ( who talks exactly like his boss) holds press conference…

Act three-scene two: National media ignites with coverage. Experts determine the “science project” was simply a disassembled commercial product made to look like a newly invented prototype.

Suggested edits to the script:
1) Shouldn’t the kid be held accountable for “yelling FIRE in a theater”?
2) Was it simply an innocent oversight to bring such a device, which any reasonable person would recognize as a bomb, onto school grounds already on high-alert?
3) Shouldn’t the White House apologize for the transparent, knee-jerk, pro-Islam prejudice?
4) Wasn’t this event actually a malicious, possibly criminal, hoax?