Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 25, 2021

The Democrats who run the District of Columbia have reviewed the original plan for keeping everyone from dying from Covid 19. The current plan was put into place while Trump was president. It was a simple plan. All public gathering was outlawed!. That plan has had very little effect on CCP flu infections in D.C., but it did create a convincing demonstration of economic chaos and hardship for businesses, many of which have gone under. Of course that dark time was because Trump, who was President at the time, did nothing to help people.

Now that Trump has not been President for five days the public health risk from the Kung Flu seems, as if by a miracle, seems to have disappeared!

Read online about the grand reopening of Washington D.C. restaurants, bars, etc.

Trump went to Florida. Let watch for a spike in Covid there.

What a difference five days makes! Is Covid the only health problem over which Biden has power? Can he rid the nation of diabetes, heart disease, cancer? Let’s watch!