Washington state teachers average salary is $52,500/yr.

For 9-months work that amounts to $33.65/hr. Plus benefits.

Seattle teachers are refusing to show up for work until they get more money.

Maybe it’s because they once earned 4-1/2 times the minimum wage, but now that the minimum wage has been raised to $15/hr they are ONLY making 2-1/4 times what burger-flippers make. Maybe they want to continue to get 4-1/2 times the new minimum wage, which would be $67.50/hr.?

Anyway, in Seattle, if your kid is enrolled in public school keep them home until further notice. If your kid attends one of the city’s (unconstitutional) charter schools you can send them because those teachers are OK with $33.65/hr.

*in MENU select THE LIST to decipher numbers.