Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 24, 2020

Tuesday November 24, 2020

Three weeks have passed since the Presidential Election.

Joe Biden is preparing to become POTUS 46.

President Trump’s legal team is busy filing law suits to deal with what appears to be a concerted attempt to unlawfully alter the outcome of the election.

The Democrats are saying there is zero evidence of tampering or irregularity in the ballot counting.

The supporters of President Trump are producing an array of compelling examples of tampering and irregularities in the handling of ballots.

The first round of legal challenges to the Democrat’s claim of victory are largely being denied by Federal Judges (appointed by Democrats). This sets the stage for appeals.. all the way to the Supreme Court.

Early election returns indicated a runaway victory for President Trump, a landslide. Then some unusual events began to occur throughout the States. “Found” ballots began to appear… counting was being done without proper observation… late arriving (thus disqualified) batches of ballots were being counted… irregularities in voting machine software has been identified… etc.

A preponderance of evidence indicates the results of the November 3 election need to be re-examined, re-counted, etc.

We seem to be headed for a Constitutional Crisis! God help us.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD….” Psalm 33:12 (KJV)