Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 22, 2020

If a rule for one member of a society is good, it must be good for all members of that that society… right?

If the rule making members of a society tell the rest of the members what to do, or not do, it is reasonable to expect that the rule makers will also do, or not do, those things.

Why do Democrat rule makers often do what they forbid, and often not do what they demand we do?

Mrs. Schweizer’s son Peter wondered about this question. He wrote a book about it. In fact he has written more than one book about it. Peter’s latest book is titled “Do As I Say, (Not As I Do) —Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy.”

You can probably guess what the text reveals. There are many factual examples of the “Elite Liberals” living much differently than the hoi polloi over whom they rule.

Here’s a picture of the cover of Peter’s book…

These are the folks trying to steal the election right now.