Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 31, 2020

Q: Does it matter to an American citizen who has been taken hostage while on foreign soil which political party has control of the Executive branch of the federal government?

A: Yes, if they want to be freed as soon as humanly possible.

Take, for example, the Blue President who ran things in November of 1979 when Iran took 52 Americans hostage. It took 444 days; one failed rescue attempt which cost many American military men their lives; and endless wasted negotiating to get the hostages back to America.

Now take the Red President in the Oval Office today. Last week one American citizen was taken hostage in Nigeria. In a matter of a few days the hostage has been rescued and is back in America safe and sound. No negotiating. No waiting. No lost American lives. Navy Seal Team Six planned, and precisely executed, a complex night time operation to sneak in, secure the hostage, and deliver him safe and sound back home. While there [in Nigeria] the Seals engaged and “neutralized” the people who were holding the American hostage.

Today, under an Administration that scoffs at the pusillanimous Democrats, the message to America’s enemies throughout the globe is loud and clear.

Yet another reason to vote against Democrats at every level of government.

Vote to keep a tough administration in the White House and in Congress.